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PWM & The LED Fade Demo (2/2)

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0:01Resume, overdubbing the audio
0:01Resume, overdubbing the audio
0:01Resume, overdubbing the audio
0:32Hypothesise that we may see that the individual LEDs are not synchronised in a slowed down video of them lighting up
0:32Hypothesise that we may see that the individual LEDs are not synchronised in a slowed down video of them lighting up
0:32Hypothesise that we may see that the individual LEDs are not synchronised in a slowed down video of them lighting up
2:27Continue reading about how led_fade.c aligns the waveform
2:27Continue reading about how led_fade.c aligns the waveform
2:27Continue reading about how led_fade.c aligns the waveform
4:18Read through how led_fade.d uses the PWM hardware to control the LEDs
4:18Read through how led_fade.d uses the PWM hardware to control the LEDs
4:18Read through how led_fade.d uses the PWM hardware to control the LEDs
7:41How led_fade.c controls the LEDs every cycle
7:41How led_fade.c controls the LEDs every cycle
7:41How led_fade.c controls the LEDs every cycle
12:06Read the user input code in led_fade.c
12:06Read the user input code in led_fade.c
12:06Read the user input code in led_fade.c
17:03Determine to get a good understanding of the pattern changing code, and the compare registers shenanigans
17:03Determine to get a good understanding of the pattern changing code, and the compare registers shenanigans
17:03Determine to get a good understanding of the pattern changing code, and the compare registers shenanigans