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Studying the LED Fade Demo Code

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0:07Recap and set the stage for the day
0:07Recap and set the stage for the day
0:07Recap and set the stage for the day
1:46Learn the LED colour fading logic in led_fade.c
1:46Learn the LED colour fading logic in led_fade.c
1:46Learn the LED colour fading logic in led_fade.c
4:33Consider investing in a second webcam for the HiFive1
4:33Consider investing in a second webcam for the HiFive1
4:33Consider investing in a second webcam for the HiFive1
5:56Upload led_fade.c to the HiFive1 and run it to eyeball the LED fading
5:56Upload led_fade.c to the HiFive1 and run it to eyeball the LED fading
5:56Upload led_fade.c to the HiFive1 and run it to eyeball the LED fading
8:01Confirm that it is doing the logic we expected
8:01Confirm that it is doing the logic we expected
8:01Confirm that it is doing the logic we expected
8:47Determine to understand how the PWM1_REG() calls manipulate the PWM Configuration Register1
8:47Determine to understand how the PWM1_REG() calls manipulate the PWM Configuration Register1
8:47Determine to understand how the PWM1_REG() calls manipulate the PWM Configuration Register1
17:02Marry up the register offsets and constants defined in devices/pwm.h with the documentation2
17:02Marry up the register offsets and constants defined in devices/pwm.h with the documentation2
17:02Marry up the register offsets and constants defined in devices/pwm.h with the documentation2
25:23Consult the Freedom E310-G000 Manual3 for the base address of the config register
25:23Consult the Freedom E310-G000 Manual3 for the base address of the config register
25:23Consult the Freedom E310-G000 Manual3 for the base address of the config register
28:31Determine that we are sending three different signals, one for each LED channel4
28:31Determine that we are sending three different signals, one for each LED channel4
28:31Determine that we are sending three different signals, one for each LED channel4
35:03Read the PWM1_REG() macro and marry up the defined PWM1_BASE_ADDR with the documentation5
35:03Read the PWM1_REG() macro and marry up the defined PWM1_BASE_ADDR with the documentation5
35:03Read the PWM1_REG() macro and marry up the defined PWM1_BASE_ADDR with the documentation5
38:00Come to understand how the PWM1_REG() calls manipulate the low 16 bits of the PWM Compare Register6
38:00Come to understand how the PWM1_REG() calls manipulate the low 16 bits of the PWM Compare Register6
38:00Come to understand how the PWM1_REG() calls manipulate the low 16 bits of the PWM Compare Register6
50:32Learn that pwmcmp0 sets the width of the duty cycle and that pwmcount resets to zero at the end of every PWM cycle7
50:32Learn that pwmcmp0 sets the width of the duty cycle and that pwmcount resets to zero at the end of every PWM cycle7
50:32Learn that pwmcmp0 sets the width of the duty cycle and that pwmcount resets to zero at the end of every PWM cycle7
52:56Go over the PWM Compare Registers another time8
52:56Go over the PWM Compare Registers another time8
52:56Go over the PWM Compare Registers another time8
55:54Note that the signal is high most of the time9
55:54Note that the signal is high most of the time9
55:54Note that the signal is high most of the time9
58:37Think about the logic of those PWM1_REG() calls
58:37Think about the logic of those PWM1_REG() calls
58:37Think about the logic of those PWM1_REG() calls
1:02:38Determine to draw out the LED's waveform
1:02:38Determine to draw out the LED's waveform
1:02:38Determine to draw out the LED's waveform
1:03:23We're out of time for today
1:03:23We're out of time for today
1:03:23We're out of time for today