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Studying the PLIC

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0:10Recap and set the stage for the day
0:10Recap and set the stage for the day
0:10Recap and set the stage for the day
0:49Consult the HiFive1 schematics1, the Platform Reference Manual2 and the E3 Coreplex Manual3
0:49Consult the HiFive1 schematics1, the Platform Reference Manual2 and the E3 Coreplex Manual3
0:49Consult the HiFive1 schematics1, the Platform Reference Manual2 and the E3 Coreplex Manual3
3:32Read about the Platform-Level Interrupt Controller in the RISC-V Privileged spec4
3:32Read about the Platform-Level Interrupt Controller in the RISC-V Privileged spec4
3:32Read about the Platform-Level Interrupt Controller in the RISC-V Privileged spec4
6:55Summarise this paragraph
6:55Summarise this paragraph
6:55Summarise this paragraph
10:54Research Local interrupt sources
10:54Research Local interrupt sources
10:54Research Local interrupt sources
13:41Note that there are a number of registers relating to interrupt sources, all starting with an "m", with a few words on information seeping in
13:41Note that there are a number of registers relating to interrupt sources, all starting with an "m", with a few words on information seeping in
13:41Note that there are a number of registers relating to interrupt sources, all starting with an "m", with a few words on information seeping in
15:09Research Global interrupt sources
15:09Research Global interrupt sources
15:09Research Global interrupt sources
16:25Research Interrupt Targets and Hart Contexts
16:25Research Interrupt Targets and Hart Contexts
16:25Research Interrupt Targets and Hart Contexts
20:18Research Controlling Access to the PLIC and PLIC Core Specification
20:18Research Controlling Access to the PLIC and PLIC Core Specification
20:18Research Controlling Access to the PLIC and PLIC Core Specification
24:14Research Interrupt Flow
24:14Research Interrupt Flow
24:14Research Interrupt Flow
28:27Summarise the idea of the interrupt flow processing
28:27Summarise the idea of the interrupt flow processing
28:27Summarise the idea of the interrupt flow processing
31:23Correct a typo in the notes
31:23Correct a typo in the notes
31:23Correct a typo in the notes
33:02Platform-Level Interrupt Controller
33:02Platform-Level Interrupt Controller
33:02Platform-Level Interrupt Controller
43:42Research Interrupt Enables
43:42Research Interrupt Enables
43:42Research Interrupt Enables
48:16Research Interrupt Priorities
48:16Research Interrupt Priorities
48:16Research Interrupt Priorities
51:50Research Interrupt Priority Thresholds
51:50Research Interrupt Priority Thresholds
51:50Research Interrupt Priority Thresholds
54:22Research Platform-Level Interrupt Controller in the E3 Coreplex Manual
54:22Research Platform-Level Interrupt Controller in the E3 Coreplex Manual
54:22Research Platform-Level Interrupt Controller in the E3 Coreplex Manual
57:18Explore the PLIC code to see how it corresponds with our newly acquired knowledge
57:18Explore the PLIC code to see how it corresponds with our newly acquired knowledge
57:18Explore the PLIC code to see how it corresponds with our newly acquired knowledge
1:01:07We're out of time
1:01:07We're out of time
1:01:07We're out of time