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How to Watch RISCY BUSINESS - The Annotated Episode Guide

Keyboard Navigation

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[, < / ], > Jump to previous / next episode
W, K, P / S, J, N Jump to previous / next marker
t / T Toggle theatre / SUPERtheatre mode
V Revert filter to original state Y Select link (requires manual Ctrl-c)

Menu toggling

q Quotes r References f Filter y Link c Credits

In-Menu Movement

h j k l

Quotes and References Menus

Enter Jump to timecode

Quotes, References and Credits Menus

o Open URL (in new tab)

Filter Menu

x, Space Toggle category and focus next
X, ShiftSpace Toggle category and focus previous
v Invert topics / media as per focus

Filter and Link Menus

z Toggle filter / linking mode

Credits Menu

Enter Open URL (in new tab)
Welcome to Riscy Business
0:01Welcome to the video about Miblo's cinera with a shout-out to Kelimion for integrating it into the Handmade Network
0:01Welcome to the video about Miblo's cinera with a shout-out to Kelimion for integrating it into the Handmade Network
0:01Welcome to the video about Miblo's cinera with a shout-out to Kelimion for integrating it into the Handmade Network
0:40Visit the project page for cinera in the Handmade Network,1 with a few words on how to indirectly support Miblo via RISCY BUSINESS2
0:40Visit the project page for cinera in the Handmade Network,1 with a few words on how to indirectly support Miblo via RISCY BUSINESS2
0:40Visit the project page for cinera in the Handmade Network,1 with a few words on how to indirectly support Miblo via RISCY BUSINESS2
3:12Bring up the RISCY BUSINESS Episode Guide3
3:12Bring up the RISCY BUSINESS Episode Guide3
3:12Bring up the RISCY BUSINESS Episode Guide3
3:51kelimion You can also support Handmade Hero. Casey supports Miblo as well
3:51kelimion You can also support Handmade Hero. Casey supports Miblo as well
3:51kelimion You can also support Handmade Hero. Casey supports Miblo as well
4:14Thoughts on consuming long-form video content, with an example of the stop-gap solution4
4:14Thoughts on consuming long-form video content, with an example of the stop-gap solution4
4:14Thoughts on consuming long-form video content, with an example of the stop-gap solution4
8:04Demonstrate searching the episode guide5
8:04Demonstrate searching the episode guide5
8:04Demonstrate searching the episode guide5
11:19Demonstrate skipping through a video, accessing references and understanding topics6
11:19Demonstrate skipping through a video, accessing references and understanding topics6
11:19Demonstrate skipping through a video, accessing references and understanding topics6
15:04Try out the filter7
15:04Try out the filter7
15:04Try out the filter7
19:24kelimion To be fair, this is the first time Cinera has been used widely, Mio. Some bugs are to be expected. Because I too would've expected only the chat comment marked as asm to show up in exclusive
19:24kelimion To be fair, this is the first time Cinera has been used widely, Mio. Some bugs are to be expected. Because I too would've expected only the chat comment marked as asm to show up in exclusive
19:24kelimion To be fair, this is the first time Cinera has been used widely, Mio. Some bugs are to be expected. Because I too would've expected only the chat comment marked as asm to show up in exclusive
20:34Continue to explore cinera8
20:34Continue to explore cinera8
20:34Continue to explore cinera8
21:18kelimion Or even the other way around, where inclusive is everything that matches both the selected topics + media, and exclusive is whatever's left when you do that
21:18kelimion Or even the other way around, where inclusive is everything that matches both the selected topics + media, and exclusive is whatever's left when you do that
21:18kelimion Or even the other way around, where inclusive is everything that matches both the selected topics + media, and exclusive is whatever's left when you do that
21:46Try out the links in the Credits menu9
21:46Try out the links in the Credits menu9
21:46Try out the links in the Credits menu9
22:37andurilfromnarsil Isn't exclusive just removing anything that has a category that is greyed out?
22:37andurilfromnarsil Isn't exclusive just removing anything that has a category that is greyed out?
22:37andurilfromnarsil Isn't exclusive just removing anything that has a category that is greyed out?
22:53Nail down our understanding of cinera's filter10
22:53Nail down our understanding of cinera's filter10
22:53Nail down our understanding of cinera's filter10
25:48kelimion I have to dash, Mio. It was great catching up, and I'll watch the annotated VOD when it goes up on the site
25:48kelimion I have to dash, Mio. It was great catching up, and I'll watch the annotated VOD when it goes up on the site
25:48kelimion I have to dash, Mio. It was great catching up, and I'll watch the annotated VOD when it goes up on the site
25:59andurilfromnarsil It's turning things off for inclusive if they no longer have anything you've chosen to filter for, right?
25:59andurilfromnarsil It's turning things off for inclusive if they no longer have anything you've chosen to filter for, right?
25:59andurilfromnarsil It's turning things off for inclusive if they no longer have anything you've chosen to filter for, right?
26:06Continue to nail down our understanding of cinera's filter11
26:06Continue to nail down our understanding of cinera's filter11
26:06Continue to nail down our understanding of cinera's filter11
29:12andurilfromnarsil To be frank, the interface / terminology is somewhat confusing. I prefer having an "AND" vs. "OR" switch for things you're including, rather than this way of filtering things out (yes, that does work slightly differently)
29:12andurilfromnarsil To be frank, the interface / terminology is somewhat confusing. I prefer having an "AND" vs. "OR" switch for things you're including, rather than this way of filtering things out (yes, that does work slightly differently)
29:12andurilfromnarsil To be frank, the interface / terminology is somewhat confusing. I prefer having an "AND" vs. "OR" switch for things you're including, rather than this way of filtering things out (yes, that does work slightly differently)
29:38Understanding filter modes inclusive vs exclusive12
29:38Understanding filter modes inclusive vs exclusive12
29:38Understanding filter modes inclusive vs exclusive12
31:13Briefly recap the Credits menu links and begin to explore Keyboard Navigation13
31:13Briefly recap the Credits menu links and begin to explore Keyboard Navigation13
31:13Briefly recap the Credits menu links and begin to explore Keyboard Navigation13
34:04andurilfromnarsil Ctrl-Z
34:04andurilfromnarsil Ctrl-Z
34:04andurilfromnarsil Ctrl-Z
34:18Try out the Keyboard Navigation14
34:18Try out the Keyboard Navigation14
34:18Try out the Keyboard Navigation14
35:38Try out the Keyboard Navigation in Chromium15
35:38Try out the Keyboard Navigation in Chromium15
35:38Try out the Keyboard Navigation in Chromium15
45:19Try to try out a quotes menu16,17
45:19Try to try out a quotes menu16,17
45:19Try to try out a quotes menu16,17
47:26Try out the References menu with multiple identifiers per reference18
47:26Try out the References menu with multiple identifiers per reference18
47:26Try out the References menu with multiple identifiers per reference18
48:35Recommend watching at 2× speed and at at least 480p quality19
48:35Recommend watching at 2× speed and at at least 480p quality19
48:35Recommend watching at 2× speed and at at least 480p quality19
49:43Recommend MotionBox20 with a wish that Miblo and Bunjee collaborate to make the annotations and MotionBox work together
49:43Recommend MotionBox20 with a wish that Miblo and Bunjee collaborate to make the annotations and MotionBox work together
49:43Recommend MotionBox20 with a wish that Miblo and Bunjee collaborate to make the annotations and MotionBox work together
51:33Recap the search capabilities21 and video navigation22
51:33Recap the search capabilities21 and video navigation22
51:33Recap the search capabilities21 and video navigation22
55:20Huge shout-out to Miblo and to Kelimion for helping integrate Cinera into Handmade Network
55:20Huge shout-out to Miblo and to Kelimion for helping integrate Cinera into Handmade Network
55:20Huge shout-out to Miblo and to Kelimion for helping integrate Cinera into Handmade Network